Can I Get a Cosmetic Dental Treatment with Low Pain-Tolerance?

August 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 2:04 pm
Woman biting her nails and worrying about cosmetic dentistry

Many patients are hesitant to step into a dentist’s office because they’re worried about discomfort. For those with dental sensitivities or low pain-tolerances, the anxiety can be especially fierce.

Fortunately, dental cosmetic treatments tend to be mild – sometimes even milder than a standard checkup and cleaning! To find out how you could enhance your smile pain-free, keep reading.

The Power of Modern Dental Technology

Anesthetics have come a long way through the years! In dentistry, they’re strong enough to numb uncomfortable sensations during even the most dreaded of treatments: tooth extraction and root canals. That’s not the only way dental technology has advanced, either. Modern equipment can allow for a gentle touch, as is the case with teeth whitening agents specially formulated to minimize sensitivity.

How Mild is “Mild” for Dental Treatments?

Most cosmetic dental options are noninvasive. Some are so noninvasive all your dentist will have to do is graze your tooth! Here are some examples of just how mild a smile enhancement can be:

  • Teeth whitening simply involves applying a stain-lifting gel to your teeth and shining a light to activate the chemicals. You might experience more dental sensitivity after your treatment, but it’s not permanent, and as mentioned earlier, steps are taken to minimize the discomfort.
  • Dental bonding is a moldable composite resin that can be customized to match the color of your natural teeth. To cover deep stains, chips, and cracks, your dentist will brush the resin over your flaws. That’s it!
  • Dental veneers are slightly more uncomfortable, but still a good example of mild cosmetic dentistry. To make way for these thin, tooth-like shells, your dentist will have to shave off a tiny bit of your enamel. However, thanks to modern anesthetics, you’ll likely feel some pressure at most – nothing worthy of a horror movie.

What About After My Cosmetic Dental Treatment?

If you do experience dental soreness, over-the-counter pain relievers and cold compresses are typically able to alleviate discomfort. However, remember that your dental team is a compassionate bunch! They’ll be ready to help with some extra pain-relieving advice should you need it. They want you to have a positive visit and be able to enjoy your new smile, so you can count on them to help you feel comfortable every step of the way!

About the Author

Dr. Jason Hong makes it a point to help his patients feel like family. He and his team are dedicated to providing a comfortable and welcoming care experience – after all, the day you achieve your dream smile should be a day to be excited about! You can trust Dr. Hong to ease your anxieties and provide you with excellent dental cosmetics. To contact his office, call 630-789-1555.

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